Product 2: RESTORES THE NATURAL BALANCE OF SEPTIC TANKS. Promotes the efficient and rapid breakdown of solids, thereby reducing sludge and scum levels and resulting in reduced odors, less clogs and more efficient system operation
Product 3: SAFE TO USE - Will not damage drains, pipes,disposal systems or porcelain because it contains no corrosive materials. Naturally keeps the cesspool clean
Product 2: SAFE FOR ALL PLUMBING. K-37 works in both your septic tank and drain fields. It prevents the clogging of inlet and outlets that can lead to unpleasant odors and overflowing receptacles
Product 2: PATENTED ROETECH BACTERIA. Roebic K-37 Septic Tank Treatment features unique Roetech bacteria designed to ensure your septic system operates efficiently while preventing typical septic issues.
Product 3: EFFECTIVE - Roebic K-57 is powerful enough to act quickly in emergency situations where sluggish conditions, clogs, surface water accumulations, or back-ups have occurred.
Product 3: ROETECH BACTERIA - Formulated with RoeTech, Roebic’s exclusive bacteria, K-57 provides a concentrated attack on clogged areas relieving overloaded septic tanks, cesspools, and drain fields
Product 1: TREATS CLOGS AND BUILDUP: Roebic K-570 Leach and Drain Field Opener helps to rapidly break up clogged or sluggish drain fields the primary reason for septic system failure,and restore proper drainage
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Product 1: ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY AND BIODEGRADABLE: Safe for the environment, the all-natural biodegradable formulation contains aerobic spore-bearing bacteria resistant to soaps and detergents
Product 1: PATENTED BACTERIA: Powerful Roetech enzyme-producing bacteria degrade protein, starches, and other food-related organic debris to increase flow